How Mobile Phones Increase Revenue

Although some people still do searches on their desktops, most people use their mobile phones which means content needs to be designed with a five-inch screen in mind.  While a mobile-friendly website that was designed for desktop but available on mobile is necessary, preferably your website will be optimized for mobile, or designed for mobile devices in the first place, and then ideally it will be responsive, meaning it will also reformat based on the device the viewer is using.

Set up a 20-minute review .

Growing Your Practice with Engaging Speaking Events

Clients purchase from businesses they know, like, and trust. This is especially true for law firms that are handling sensitive and personal matters for their clients.  Live presentations and workshops are a great way to engage and let potential clients know who you are and why they should trust you with their business.

Set up a 20-minute review .

How to Effectively Handle Negative Reviews

Many attorneys are understandably fearful of replying to negative online reviews.  The truth is that potential clients (roughly 84% of them) will most likely rely on social media posts, ratings, and reviews of others when deciding whether to use your services.

Once information is on the internet it does not go away.  Avoiding a negative review is missing a critical opportunity to manage your image online.

Set up a 20-minute review .

Handling Negative Online Reviews

How to Effectively Handle Negative Reviews

Many attorneys are understandably fearful of replying to negative online reviews.  The truth is that potential clients (roughly 84% of them) will most likely rely on social media posts, ratings, and reviews of others when deciding whether to use your services.

Once information is on the internet it does not go away.  Avoiding a negative review is missing a critical opportunity to manage your image online.

The Second District Court of Appeal opinion affirmed the jury verdict of $287,400

On March 27, 2014, the Second District Court of Appeal opinion affirmed the jury verdict of $287,400 in favor of Plaintiff Rashawna Taylor, a single mother, low income earner who was subjected to subtle forms of discrimination, but not termination.
Read the press release