How Mobile Phones Increase Revenue

Although some people still do searches on their desktops, most people use their mobile phones which means content needs to be designed with a five-inch screen in mind.  While a mobile-friendly website that was designed for desktop but available on mobile is necessary, preferably your website will be optimized for mobile, or designed for mobile devices in the first place, and then ideally it will be responsive, meaning it will also reformat based on the device the viewer is using.

  • Even though the majority of legal consumers use a mobile phone to find an attorney, many of the websites they are landing on are not designed for mobile.
  • Studies show people are 90% more likely to recommend a firm whose website performs well on a phone.
  • Below are a few tips for designing a website in a way that will provide a positive viewing experience for potential clients.

Set up a 20-minute review .

  • The first thing the viewer sees is similar to a newspaper’s front page.  That is where you will either gain their attention or lose it.  Make sure it includes essential information the prospect is looking for such as what practice area you specialize in and the contact information, so they do not have to spend a lot of time looking for it.  People are on the go and have short attention spans.  That is why it is important to tell them what they need to know with as few words as possible.  Google research has shown that if someone waits longer than three seconds for a page to load, they will leave the site.  So be sure to keep the file sizes down for pictures and videos which result in slow load times.  Creating white space on the screen provides focal points that guide your viewer to what you want them to see and do.  A font size of 16 is easiest to read at farther distances in natural light which is typically how a mobile user will view the screen.  Make sure that your contact information is on every screen to make it easy for them to contact you when they are ready.
  • Here’s Why It Matters To You. For most clients, their first impression of your firm will be how your website appears on their mobile phone.  Make sure they do not click to another law firm because of a poor first impression.
  • I have successfully helped many small firms in the area optimize their firm’s website for mobile.  Set up your free consultation by clicking below.

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